We know that showing up to a new place or trying something new for the first time can be intimidating, but at The Springs Church it’s our desire that you feel right at home from the moment you turn on the online stream or walk in the doors of the church.
Christ-centered, engaging, expressive worship
Christ-Centered, Biblically sound, thought provoking message from our senior Pastor, Eoin O’Sullivan.
Each service lasts around 80 mins.
Kids ministry that ministers to ages birth -
5th grade that runs simultaneously with
the main service. Click Here to pre-register
your kids prior to your visit.
Come as you are. There is no dress code. Some people wear suits and dresses while others wear jeans and t-shirts. We want you to wear whatever makes you comfortable.
Christ-centered, engaging, expressive worship
Christ-Centered, Biblically sound, thought provoking message from our senior Pastor, Eoin O’Sullivan.
Each service lasts around 80 mins.
Kids ministry that ministers to ages birth -
5th grade that runs simultaneously with
the main service. Click Here to pre-register
your kids prior to your visit.
Come as you are. There is no dress code. Some people wear suits and dresses while others wear jeans and t-shirts. We want you to wear whatever makes you comfortable.
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We believe that a good, healthy church holds to a strong theology that is biblically based.
Find out more about what we believe and the basis on which we arrive at these beliefs and why it is important for a Christian to be ground in the truth of Scripture.
We believe that a good, healthy church holds to a strong theology that is biblically based.
Find out more about what we believe and the basis on which we arrive at these beliefs and why it is important for a Christian to be ground in the truth of Scripture.